A romantic spot could be just about any place one wishes to rest for a spell, from such a place as atop Mt. Kilimanjaro, with nothing more with you than your soul and the flag of your nation to stick into the ground to claim your moment or perhaps it could be inside an old red barn in a field somewhere in Middle America resting on a dated milk crate, with your lover perched upon your thigh. With this being said, a Romantic spot to me in truth is nothing more than a state of mind. To me the creating of romance begins with the first few minutes of a fresh adventure, in many cases seemingly new and unknown, and packed with uncertainty and welcomed anxiety. As we begin to allow our adventure to unravel and flow with it like a leaf shouldering a river it is then that our romantic perceptions begin to manifest in an exuberant array of colorful emotions. When this happens we then begin to mesh with the elements around us whether it is with people, nature, spirituality or all combined. I do not believe any one person knows exactly what the exact ingredients are to create romance within ourselves. Because we are always changing, morphing to some degree, growing, and maturing as we begin to blend and become apart of what it is we are seeking, and in this journey perhaps becoming consciously wiser. Becoming consciously aware of the wisdom we attain is an absolute necessity to be able to fulfill our journey to that Romantic Spot. We need wisdom in the recipe because if we do not have it then we are more certain than not to attract phantoms from our past as we intersect the so called crossroads in our journey. Phantoms, Ghost Phantoms I might add, will drain ones romantic energy and deplete it more quickly than jealousy, even though the two monsters often travel side by side.
Once we have attained the ability to blend all of our romantic benefactors together correctly, and I can not tell you what those are because we all are responsible for writing our own recipe book through trial and error; but once we have captured the soul essences of it all that attributes to the needs in our life at that time, I guarantee that we will stumble into that romantic moment, that Romantic Spot so easily we will almost assume it found us, but truth be said it was all in the journey that created our own personal Romantic Spots. Once we become unafraid to venture out and conquer our fears and phantoms one will find that Life provides an infinite amount of Romantic Spots.
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