Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Thoughts

“Holiday Thoughts”
There was a person that once said “The only thing I miss about home is my Hustler magazine I left in the tree fort.” I don’t remember the name of the person that coined that particular quote, but she was a woman, she was not a lesbian she just liked looking at nice boobs, so she said. I do however remember Ellyn Simons she was my biology lab partner my junior year of high school. She was a homely girl by appearance and wore the most unusual close which she made herself. One time Ellyn wore a coat hanger around here head to school with Christmas bulbs hanging from it, I never asked her why. I just assumed she wanted attention and she got it that day. While working on a lab project in class the secretary came down to collect Ellyn and shuffled her off to the school psychiatrist. I never saw Ellyn again after that day, so I can only assume she was shipped off to some fancy art & fashion school in New York, loose rumors however suggested that she was sent to a psychiatric hospital in Maryland. I never believed that story one bit about Ellyn being crazy, actually a few years back I saw her photo on a DVD cover in some porn store in Amsterdam just down the street from Anne Frank’s house, strange town that Amsterdam. I was happy to see things turned out well for Ellyn; I am assuming they did any way sense the DVD title was “Ellyn the Elf” volume 12. The Holiday season makes me think of many memories of my youth that’s for sure and most of them leave me with a frosty grin.

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