Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Like The River To The Sea


Will you walk with me, will you stay with me a while, just to see if I can make you smile; to see if there’s anything about me that could fill your heart’s needs if you please?
Let’s go hand in hand down to the river, dream about how it finds its way into the bay and then out to the sea to all those tropical islands I once learned about in geography.
Whisper in my ear all the things you want to believe, but don’t know how, like how buttermilk comes from a cow.
Tell me of your fantasies, even if they don’t include me, but try to bullshit one up for us and make it saucy. Tell me you like my smile even though I don’t have perfect teeth, but there good for chewing beef. Run your hands through my hair and tell me that the grey looks Ok mixed in there, and I will pretend I don’t know you dye yours and how you sometimes fart when you think I’ am outdoors.
Promise me, you will never try to impress me by speaking Spanish; if I want to hear that tongue I will call my bank and push 1. Let’s learn Cajun French instead, it sounds better in bed, and it will work well enough in Paris, France should we ever make it there by chance, but there is a bistro up the street, we can try are luck with escargot before the picture show.
Let’s buy a scrap book and fill it full of photos of you and me, and bubble gum wrappers to remind us of are silly times; let’s fill it up with tickets from ballgames, matinees, and for public nudity from time to time, everyone needs a little wine.
I am not looking for Romeo & Juliet, damn shame all that poetry pissed away over poison, I would have settled for a few chapters out of the Kama Sutra and a little lotion there’s no sense in giving up over a few distraught emotions.
Don’t try to hard for me; just let it flow like the river to the sea.

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