Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I have seldom ever grown emphatic about very much in my life after the age of 12. I use to chase things, grabbing for coat tails hoping to get a ride to see more of life. However as the years ground down I had realized at a very young age that Mr. Opportunity does not present him self at the door, not my door anyway and for that matter most people never show up in your life because they think they may cheer you up. Most people show up to greet you because they need an emotion fulfilled. I am spontaneous, impulsive, and driven to live out loud. I have learned that if you wait around for someone to make up their own mind on any particular subject that most likely all you will end up with is a lot of hedge grass growing up around your ass while you wait under the shade tree. There’s nothing wrong sitting under a shade tree, trust me it is perhaps one of the best seats on the planet, but the reasons that tend to keep one under that old tree are in most cases less then plausible. I learned in my life to except the inevitable rule of self reasoning for self preservation, and that rule being “Never ask someone a question of the heart if you already know the answer to it.” Just move the fuck on, especially if you know the response is not going to be the one you are looking for. In most cases I have found in my life that when your waiting for someone to make up their mind about something they already have, and more then likely they are busy planning there life and next move which does not concern you in the fucking least. The reason in most cases you got put on the back burner or are playing second fiddle is because there a coward, it’s not about them trying to avoid hurting your feelings they decided to do that when they put you on hold. I really don’t know how perceptive most people are, but I know one thing and that is you don’t have to be a mind reader to know when you are a person of convenience in someone else’s eyes. This is all very easy to figure out, it’s a matter of weights and measurements, for example. How far out of your way have you gone for this person to please them? How much have you put into this relation, and has it been reciprocated? In most cases the answer will be “FUCK NO!”  But we have a tendency not to mull that over to much because it hurts and most of us don’t like pain, except for a few unbalanced whack jobs that love being love sick and discontented because they lack any self entrust, which should disclose to them right there why no one wants to be around them. Ok maybe that example is a stretch, but my point has been made; in closing I will say this, just because someone’s life is filled with many options that does not always mean there happy ones. There is one thing you can always do and that is “BE GOOD TO YOURSELF.”

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