Sunday, March 18, 2012


I as an American pledged an oath to uphold and defend The Constitution of the United States of America. I try to live that oath daily by keeping an eye on Big Brother in local, State and Federal government. My first duty is to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. As a Marine, I made a promise. As a veteran, I will carry this promise with me to the end of my days. We all have a problem with an over-reaching executive power, regardless of party. We all have a problem with a corporate media, and centralized control, whether it is governmental or corporate (or some cronyism hybrid). The American people should know that in the time of crises, that there are brave men and women, safe keepers of the Constitution and the Flag of the people, who will not turn against them. Who will say “No!” to any attempt to disarm and imprison them. I know I’m not the only American who is in sickened having discovered what has corrupted and cannibalized our once-representative government. The government which our Founders created has been silently replaced by an imposter government which stands now poised to levy our own law enforcement and military against us at random, based on a distant centralized government’s opinion only. No due process. No charges. This government is not the government created by our nation’s Founders. I am here to remind this imposter government that my oath was to the constitution and not to any government which cannot honor that founding legal charter. Though the world itself be swallowed up by this New World Order, and though their emissaries are now congregated in the very heart of our Judicial, Executive, and Legislative bodies, and though the financial powers of globalism march to assimilate our America, we, the people, are yet afforded one more opportunity to awaken to our peril and to rise up against this iron net of tyranny, and reclaim our great nation for the people and our posterity. All we need to do this is the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, as written – that, and the willful awakening of our good neighbors across this land to the true nature and spirit of this Federalized threat. Too long we have slept in a bed made of convenience, creature comforts, and constitutional concessions, and all the while, as we peaceful people slept, those who sought to conquer us from within have tip-toed into our very seats of governmental power. When we as Americans lay our heads down upon our pillows at night we must not just sleep but think and ask ourselves "Is tomorrow going to be a safe place for my family?" I personally think not, there for I plunge myself deeply into the midst of it all to protect and preserve the Constitution of this country... Sheb Schebella