Saturday, March 12, 2011


There once was a man from Nantucket, well never mind we all know that one and if you don’t then I can only assume your friends are as unimaginative and just as poorly culturally seasoned as yourself. You see an education that is valuable is a well rounded education which can grasp both ends of the spectrum; anything else is just one-sided bullshit, hardly worthy of debate if one was hoping to hold substance for more then thirty seconds in a simple conversation.
It serves really no purpose to only be familiar with the works of Van Gough or Picasso if you know nothing about someone like Walter Tenseptein. Walt was Manhattan sidewalk artist that drew in chalk on side walks, whom also happen to be an off the chain schizophrenic of the most brilliant order. He was not well known globally, his mother knew him, I knew him only because I took the time, but everyone that walked by his work enjoyed him. Many people tried to compliment him with cannibalized ill formed and tortured clichés which they believed they did not try to borrow from their art appreciation course book 101. These people may just as well shook a coffee can filled with gravel in front of Walt’s face to convey there spirited delight, but all Walt really wanted was some loose change tossed in his cigar box so he could at the end of the day purchase Chesterfield cigarettes and soda pops. If you wanted to communicate with Walt you would have to ask him a question in the form of a chalk drawing, and he would give you a rather definite and plausibly intellectual answer in the same media. If you wanted Mr. Tenseptein to answer you quickly you had to draw in blue, I have no Idea why this was, and it was just something I observed one particular day...
Sitting up in a chair 32,000 feet above sea level traveling at 654 miles an hour I begin to notice in this overly crude elongated cylinder of an illume most refer to as an Air Bus; one thing I notice is the men to women ratio in Business Class, its about 12 to 1, the other thing is the ratio to attractive looking women to homely women is about 10 to 1; and the only attractive women in Business Class today are between the ages of about 40 to 45. In Economy Class the men to women ration is 2 to 1. The amount of attractive looking women in economy class versus unattractive women is about 3 to 1, and all the attractive women are under the age of 30 except for 2. There ages are some where between 35 and 42, and they are smoking porn star hot. I don’t know why these ratios configure the way they do, it was just something I observed on this particular day.

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